Beating the Winter slump and goal setting

As Winter draws closer the mornings get darker, your bed gets warmer and your motivation to go to the gym slowly decreases. I see this every year and you know what? I get it! I have mornings where I hit the “snooze” button over and over, until it disappears. I have days where I just don’t want to train. I’m tired. I’m sore. I have too much work to do … the list goes on. But, no matter how long the list is I always find time and a way to train. I find these things because I have something that drives me to do so.

What drives YOU?

Why are you waking up at 5am to come and train?

Why are you racing from school drop off to get to the gym?

What is it that YOU want to achieve?

With 2 (soon to be 3) children under 4 and running a business I am tired more often than not. But, as much as these kids can act as “roadblock” to my training, they are also what drives me. I train because right now I want to be able to run around at the park with them. I want to be able to pick them up without pain. I want to climb on the play equipment with them. I want to stay as fit and healthy as I possibly can, so that I can live life to the fullest with my wife and children.

If you train simply to maintain balance so that you can continue to enjoy the “lifestyle” you have become accustomed to, that is perfectly okay. In fact, a large number of people do that. Health is more about simply staying fit and healthy. Health has many meanings. Health can be seen; socially, emotionally, mentally and in family and relationships. Life is all about balance and if you have found that balance, then you are winning at life! Keep doing what you’re doing! However, if you want something more than what you currently have, then you must identify why you are training and what sacrifices you are going to make to achieve these goals.

 “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want will be the sacrifice”


I know I harp on about goal setting but without goals we have no direction. It is like getting in your car and driving. You have no final destination and no map. Where are you going? Why are you going there? How are you going to get there? When will you get there?

  1. Set the destination: There are 2 main ways to do this; “specific goals” or “crystal balling”. If you have specific goals, this process is easier. Identify the specific goal(s) and then we will break it down into smaller, measurable and achievable goals. If you don’t have a specific goal, then picture yourself in 1, 2, 3, 5 or even 10 years. How do you see yourself? What do you look like? What are you capable of? Can you move well? Does your body allow you to live life the way you want? What do you want to be able to do?

  2. Creating a map: Now that we have established a destination, we need to map out our journey. How are you going to get there? How long will it take? It is important your map is realistic. “You can’t drive to Melbourne in an hour.” Break the journey down into smaller sections, so you can monitor your progress and stay on track.

  3. Starting the journey and staying on track: It’s time to start this journey. Whether it’s a 3 month or 3 year journey, we have to start somewhere. However, a journey like this can be tiring and often hard to stay on track. How are you going to stay on track? Do you have friends, family or your trainer to help keep you motivated and accountable? While setting goals and creating a plan is very important, I believe the most important part is having accountability. Someone to encourage you when you’re struggling and celebrate your achievements (no matter how small) along the way.

Below are some points to help you identify your goal(s) and establish a plan going forward. Don’t just read over them. Copy and paste them into a document or write them down somewhere and then answer them yourself. Having something clear and tangible will help you stay on track, rather than some hollow thoughts floating around your head. Stick them up on the fridge, your wardrobe or the bathroom mirror. Somewhere you will see them daily.

Most importantly; make sure all the goals you set, follow the SMART principle.


  1. What is your goal(s)?

  2. When would you like to achieve them?

  3. Can the goal be broken down into smaller goals that are easy to monitor?

  4. What changes/commitments need to be made, in order to achieve these goals?

  5. Who will keep you accountable?

  6. What obstacles might you face? And, how will you overcome these obstacles if and when they arise?

“You can’t score without goals”

If you would like any help with goal setting, please don’t hesitate to ask us.


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